Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Adia - Portrait

The Self Portrait

This is my self-portrait which took me about three weeks. I worked very hard and I think for the first time I did good. I am most proud of my nose. I think I did the best shading on that area because it has definition and it lines up with my eyes. While I am not completely satisfied, I am finished. Next time, I just want it to look more realistic. 
Thank you!

Monday, January 27, 2020

One Step At A Time

One Step At A Time
BY: Adia Blair 

"One Step At a Time" is my way of expressing what I visualize my future to be. Each phase of life helps me to get to the other. The foreground is the graduation cap which is the first thing that will happen in my life. I will graduate as Valedictorian Class of 2022. I say "I will" because I believe that words manifest into life. Then I will go to college to become an accountant. After becoming an accountant I will go into the business portion and create my own beauty business with my mother. But through it all, I will be healthy and stay strong. After I am stable and ready and able, I will have children. Even though, I want five or more, I will take what ever the Lord gives me. My background is very patchy and colorful because while I will be working hard, I still want to enjoy it all and have a happy life. In total, "One Step At a Time" is a piece about not only my dreams and goals in life, but it's also a sequence of events. While my life isn't set in stone, like my background, I have a path that I still plan to follow! 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays ~ Greeting Cards (2)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

These are my two holiday greeting cards. For the first one, I was going for more of a fun and snowy vibe. I used glitter and squiggly confetti to look like snowflakes. I added a few lyrics of different Christmas songs. In addition, around the "Happy Holidays" bubble I put the varying holidays in December. For the second one, the five letters of "Merry" are like ornament balls. I used cotton balls for the white fluff. This reminds me of a Christmas tree with the fake snow at the bottom. That's what my family does every year.

Prinny Pops ~ Dessert Painting

Prinny Pops

This is my Prinny Pops Dessert Painting. These are cake pops in different shapes, sizes and colors. I wanted to add soft colors for the sticks to contrast with the background which is a popping pink. I created some shade by making the shape of the pops on the counter and painting it darker than the actual color of the counter. I had a lot of fun making this piece and I hope you enjoy viewing it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Clower ~ Mandala Color Wheel


Here we have my Clower Mandala Color Wheel. What under the blue sky is a clower, is what you may be asking. Well, all I did was combine the words circle and flower. Just like how my circles are combined and overlap one another but work perfectly with a single petal in each twelfth of the wheel. Between the clower we have a strip that adds separation between the two. All of the different sections follow the same pattern adding the flavor of "beautiful chaos".

Prinny's Manhattan Apartment ~ One-Point Perspective

Prinny's Manhattan Apartment

This is how I visioned my first apartment I come from New York, where we have a more modern and square kind of taste. Everything looks the same but adds different flavor. Who knows, maybe I'll get to live the dream.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Panda Expressed ~ Zentangle

"The Panda Expressed"

This is my animal zentangles piece. I started with just a simple panda because people say that I act like one. But, I didn't just fill in my outline with patterns from off of Google. They represent something about myself. This panda talks about how I feel, act and wish to be in the future. The circles in the ears show that when it comes to negativity, "I don't want to hear it!" If you look closely in the panda's eyes you will see mini stars. This shows how I wish to be successful and strong. The stars show that I see my future as bright. Throughout my life I have been though very scarring and emotional times but they don't stop me from seeing the beauty in life. This is shown through the lines on the panda's face. Enough with the body... The background shows chaos, mayhem, trials and tribulations. But as you can see, the panda is stands out and over it all. That's exactly how I feel and what I do. Although there might be noise in my life, I just tune it out and sing my happy song. Through this piece I want to encourage everybody that life may get hard but, in the end, things work itself out!