Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Panda Expressed ~ Zentangle

"The Panda Expressed"

This is my animal zentangles piece. I started with just a simple panda because people say that I act like one. But, I didn't just fill in my outline with patterns from off of Google. They represent something about myself. This panda talks about how I feel, act and wish to be in the future. The circles in the ears show that when it comes to negativity, "I don't want to hear it!" If you look closely in the panda's eyes you will see mini stars. This shows how I wish to be successful and strong. The stars show that I see my future as bright. Throughout my life I have been though very scarring and emotional times but they don't stop me from seeing the beauty in life. This is shown through the lines on the panda's face. Enough with the body... The background shows chaos, mayhem, trials and tribulations. But as you can see, the panda is stands out and over it all. That's exactly how I feel and what I do. Although there might be noise in my life, I just tune it out and sing my happy song. Through this piece I want to encourage everybody that life may get hard but, in the end, things work itself out!

Adia ~ Portfolio Cover


This is my portfolio cover, where I obviously keep some of my artwork. I wanted this cover to resemble my mind and it's ideas. The circles and squares represent how I love things to be perfect. But, the fact that they are all over the place and connected, represents how I like to be different. All over the portfolio are things that I say all the time. For example, "Being perfect means being imperfect" or "How can you succeed if you never even try?" These are things that I say to myself for motivation. Having them on my portfolio will benefit me when I feel like giving up. This portfolio represents me and what I want to be. A person who never gives up. I want to be thing way because a resilient person always wins in the end!