Monday, December 16, 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays ~ Greeting Cards (2)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

These are my two holiday greeting cards. For the first one, I was going for more of a fun and snowy vibe. I used glitter and squiggly confetti to look like snowflakes. I added a few lyrics of different Christmas songs. In addition, around the "Happy Holidays" bubble I put the varying holidays in December. For the second one, the five letters of "Merry" are like ornament balls. I used cotton balls for the white fluff. This reminds me of a Christmas tree with the fake snow at the bottom. That's what my family does every year.

Prinny Pops ~ Dessert Painting

Prinny Pops

This is my Prinny Pops Dessert Painting. These are cake pops in different shapes, sizes and colors. I wanted to add soft colors for the sticks to contrast with the background which is a popping pink. I created some shade by making the shape of the pops on the counter and painting it darker than the actual color of the counter. I had a lot of fun making this piece and I hope you enjoy viewing it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Clower ~ Mandala Color Wheel


Here we have my Clower Mandala Color Wheel. What under the blue sky is a clower, is what you may be asking. Well, all I did was combine the words circle and flower. Just like how my circles are combined and overlap one another but work perfectly with a single petal in each twelfth of the wheel. Between the clower we have a strip that adds separation between the two. All of the different sections follow the same pattern adding the flavor of "beautiful chaos".

Prinny's Manhattan Apartment ~ One-Point Perspective

Prinny's Manhattan Apartment

This is how I visioned my first apartment I come from New York, where we have a more modern and square kind of taste. Everything looks the same but adds different flavor. Who knows, maybe I'll get to live the dream.